BEEs and HONEY tokens

Ratel Cartel will use a dual currency system; HONEY and BEEs will be the currencies that drive the Ratel Cartel Economy. The HONEY token is not to be confused with the honey products that are traded for profit in-game.


HONEY will be the in-game currency for all activities in the Ratel Cartel game. It will have an unlimited supply. We reserve the right to burn HONEY as needed and adjust prices for items in the game purchased with HONEY to maintain a healthy and sustainable economy.

HONEY can be earned in-game via combat and by trading stash items. The stronger your gang becomes, the more HONEY you'll be able to earn within the same time frame.

When we think about how HONEY will be used in our economy, we see a subset of players battling to earn HONEY and then turning around to buy gear to strengthen their Ratels further. Players with an affinity for bartering may use HONEY to craft better weapons to sell on the marketplace or other value creation activities that benefit the ecosystem, such as a social reward token used for tipping.


BEEs will be a fixed supply token with an initial mint of 1,000,000,000. Once the initial supply is minted, there will be no more additional BEEs. The BEE tokens represents the entirety of the Ratel Cartel Economy. BEEs are what players earn for their gameplay, which can then be traded on exchanges that list the BEE token. Players can stake BEE tokens to earn a share of the HONEY tokens fee across the economy as a whole. Additionally, BEE tokens will be used to make governance decisions across the ecosystem. This gives BEE holders voting rights on future upgrades and changes to the Ratelcartel platform. As a fixed supply token, we expect the price to increase as the demand, and perceived value of the economy’s value, continues to grow.

BEEs Supply Distribution

Please see the tokenomics section

Last updated